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"What is amazing is the extent to which they succeeded in promulgating this fiction throughout the world. the Hollywood Jews created a powerful cluster of images and ideas-so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the American imagination. . . . Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the movies the Jews made" |
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Post Title: The War On Terror: The Greatest Hoax Of All Time?
You have to be kidding right? Unfortunately this is really happening!
The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals. The magazine's investigations into this form of cannibalism took them to Liaoning province.
According to The Next Magazine, during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese businessman, a servant Ms Liu from Liaoning province on the mainland inadvertently revealed the habit of eating infants/fetuses in Liaoning province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health concerns. The Taiwanese women present were horrified.
Ms Liu also disclosed that even though people can afford the human parts there are still waiting lists and those with the right connections get the "highest quality" human parts, which translates to the more mature fetuses. A male fetus is considered the "prime" human part
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Post Title: Hong Kong Reports Mainland Chinese Eating Infants
Former British Ambassador Craig Murray is now challenging the legitimacy of the map just published by the British government in the current dispute with Iran over those 15 captured British sailors and marines.
"Fake Maritime Boundaries
I have been unpopular before, but the level of threats since I started blogging on the captured marines has got a bit scary. It is therefore with some trepidation that I feel obliged to point this out.
"The British Government has published a map showing the coordinates of the incident, well within an Iran/Iraq maritime border. The mainstream media and even the blogosphere has bought this hook, line and sinker.
"But there are two colossal problems.
"A) The Iran/Iraq maritime boundary shown on the British government map does not exist. It has been drawn up by the British Government. Only Iraq and Iran can agree their bilateral boundary, and they never have done this in the Gulf, only inside the Shatt because there it is the land border too. This published boundary is a fake with no legal force.
"B) Accepting the British coordinates for the position of both HMS Cornwall and the incident, both were closer to Iranian land than Iraqi land. Go on, print out the map and measure it. Which underlines the point that the British produced border is not a reliable one.
"None of which changes the fact that the Iranians, having made their point, should have handed back the captives immediately. I pray they do so before this thing spirals out of control. But by producing a fake map of the Iran/Iraq boundary, notably unfavourable to Iran, we can only harden the Iranian position."
When I spoke with the former Ambassador he told me how dumbfounded he is by the way in which the mainstream media continues to treat this dispute.
The BBC for instance has already interviewed a supposed expert regarding the map, who vouched for its authenticity. But the point is, as Craig Murray, points out, how can such a map exist if the subject of boundaries has never been settled between Iraq and Iran? Turns out the expert had been referred to the BBC by the British Ministry of Defense--who also turned out the plan.
Sounds like the rerun of a bad movie we've already seen.
Oil Traders Fear an Attack on Iran
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Post Title: Published British Maps Fake
Benedict appears to be getting into the "hellfire and damnation routine" rather early in his reign. He's doing what I am sure his many predecessors have done when they looked at falling numbers, empty churches and currently, pedophile scandals which are bankrupting many dioceses in the world. But playing the fear card just won't work any more, except with vulnerable children, and Pope Benedict just doesn't get it.
What is that line about people in glass houses not throwing stones?
Benedict needs to get his own house in order, and get rid of the priests who are causing pain and anguish, and permanent emotional damage to kids who are being told, as they're getting abused, that it's "God's Will", and that they can never dare tell another human being what happened, because they'll go straight to hell. The fires of Hell are real and eternal, Pope warns
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End of the World? Jews Will Cause It...
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Post Title: ASK A JEW Whatever You Want to Know...
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Are you green? How many flights have you taken in the last year? Feeling guilty about all those unnecessary car journeys? Well, maybe ... there's no need to feel bad. According to a group of scientists brought together by documentary-maker Martin Durkin, if the planet is heating up, it isn't your fault and there's nothing you can do about it. We've almost begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon. But just as the environmental lobby think they've got our attention, a group of naysayers have emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming.
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Post Title: The Great Global Warming Swindle
Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan hysteria to achieve world government
A common charge leveled against those who question the official orthodoxy of the global warming religion is that they are acting as stooges for the western establishment and big business interests. If this is the case, then why do the high priests of the elite and kingpin oil men continue to fan the flames of global warming hysteria?
The Trilateral Commission, one of the three pillars of the New World Order in alliance with Bilderberg and the CFR, met last week in near secrecy to formulate policy on how best they could exploit global warming fearmongering to ratchet up taxes and control over how westerners live their lives.
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Post Title: Globalists Love Global Warming
Confronting Hillary Clinton about her secret attendances at Bilderberg. Presidential Forum on Health Care, Las Vegas.
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Confronting Hillary Clinton about her secret attendances at Bilderberg. Presidential Forum on Health Care, Las Vegas.
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Post Title: Confronting New World Order Filth: Bilderberg Hillary
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Post Title: What the World Should Know About Israel's Treachery
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Post Title: What the World Should Know About Israel's Treachery
After the planes struck the twin towers on 9/11, a woman called the police and reported some suspicious behavior of certain individuals who were jumping up and down, hooting, laughing, celebrating and snapping pictures of each other smiling with the burning towers in the background. Police were called, and they later arrested people working at Moving Systems Incorporated, all jews and all israeli nationals with fake id's in multiple names, large wads of cash, and israeli military training. In all, over 200 such jews were rounded up after the terrorist attack by Federal authorities, and Fox news did a brief story on it. In the end, all such jews were inexplicably deported under the orders of zionist jew Michael Chertoff, and this story was pulled from the Fox News archives with no explanation.
Now, view the original news story and decide for yourself. Classified! Classified! Classified!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Mossad "probably" involved?
Probably Zionist involvement? What a peculiar choice of words. Why such caution?
It's a Zionist lineup from top to bottom:
Chertoff - Patsy Act & Crime scene
Zakheim - PNAC, Pentagon, and remote flying technology, Pentagon accounting
Zelikow - 9/11 Commission gatekeeper & report author
Silverstein - WTC insurance scam
Netanyahu - at the scene 9/11 & 7/7 plus authorship of "Terrorism: How the West Can Win" (1986)
Airport security at Newark & Logan run by Israeli owned Huntleigh
Loose Change financially backed by the Simon family who've had Lee "Stooge" Hamilton on the payroll for decades to cover Zionist ass in Iran-Contra and 9/11
Israelis buying the put options
Israelis warned by Odigo
The Iraq disaster planned and sold by Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Leedeen, Libby (nee Liebowitz), Wurmser, Kristol, et al ad naseum
The Jewish bellowing for war on Iran with AIPAC's denutting of any bill's containing language making such more difficult.
Zionists' attempt on Mexican Parliament
Zionist "movers" arrested around the nation
What have I left out? Oh yeah, Ari Emmanuel & Mikey Moore's Saudis. Or maybe Dick & George Bush masterminded the whole thing with corporate America quivering at their feet (Woodrow Wilson was referring to the Bush and Cheney clans).
Made in America by the same folks that brought us WWI, WWII, the hollercause, and the brand new War on Terror to take down any significant military threat to Israel before the Zionist mop up the small fry and rebuild the temple.
One group and one group only owns this nation as Admiral Moorer kindly pointed out. One group and one group only planned and executed 9/11:
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Post Title: Israel Spying on USA
In the midst of journalism’s “Sunshine Week” – during which the Associated Press and other news organizations are valiantly proclaiming the public’s “right to know” – AP insists on conducting its own activities in the dark, and refuses to answer even the simplest questions about its system of international news reporting.
Response to AP Statement About Erasing Video; Foundation for Claims
For over a year AP refused to respond to questions about this incident. Now, only a few days after the publication of my article, public outcry has forced AP to issue a statement. Not surprsingly this statement attempts to absolve them of any wrongdoing. More unexpected is their description of the shooting of a child in ways that minimize Israel’s culpability. more
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Post Title: AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy
There are conflicting reports as to what's going on between Russia and Iran, but if indeed Russia pulled its scientists out of Bushehr, it could be because they know that the final hammer is about to fall. At the critical time, right before the UNSC vote on a proposed resolution condemning and sanctioning Iran, to which Russia was a party, the Russians have stabbed the Iranians in the back as they did to Iraq and Egypt (at least twice!)
It's A Sign Of Pending Attack
This is a bad sign for Iran, and indicates that the Russians know of Zionist attack plans and approximate schedules and have given their consent for the coming attack. They are pulling out their people and their interests so that they cannot be drawn into the conflict, nor lose face, but instead have been rewarded in many ways by the Zionists for helping to destroy peaceful Iran. Likewise the Red Chinese, who were warned with a stock market shock who is in charge of the World economy, are no faithful allies of the Iranians, but are instead led, and misled, by Zionists.
If, after the final vote is taken in the UNSC, Russia does not return to Iran, watch it! You will then know that their move was not a ploy to pressure Iran, but was an opportunistic act, and an act of self defense, made because of Russian knowledge that Iran is about to be attacked.
Zionists Want A War
The Zionists are abusing the UNSC by using the nuclear issue to pile demands unrelated to the nuclear issue onto Iran as part of the Zionists' Middle East agenda. It is clear that the Zionists want to obstruct a negotiated settlement of the nuclear issue, and instead are exploiting it to destroy Iran and Islam. Mbeki and Mottaki have proposed reasonable measures that should satisfy all honest parties. The Zionists will reject these proposals because their interest is in aggressive war, not a negotiated, fair and sustainable resolution to the crisis, which they have created and are perpetuating. Iran can make things more difficult for the Zionists by issuing a very moderate and measured response to the fanatical Zionist attacks on Iran. Stick to the facts and the law and propose a forum to discuss these issues.
In addition to pointing out the illegality, corruption and unfairness of the draft resolution and the resolution which preceded it, the Iranians ought propose a resolution to establish an arbitration and negotiation process. There needs to be a civilized and legal process by which this issue can be resolved, instead of a series of maffia-style ultimatums, threats and attacks. The Zionists should not be allowed to abuse the UNSC as a means to aggressively attack others.
Iran Shouldn't Fall For Zionist Trap
It would be wise for Iran to propose alternative avenues to a negotiated solution. Iran should request a list of particular and specific objections to its activities and request a forum in which these objections can be met and discussed in compliance with International Law, without threats or the tortuous interference of international contracts. The core issue is to establish a verifiable means of determining that Iran's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. This can be accomplished in a civilized manner. It only requires a good faith effort. The draft resolution put forth by the Zionists is not in good faith. It contains contradictions, obstructs negotiations and attaches unrelated issues to the nuclear issue so as to exploit the opportunity to forward a broad and aggressive Zionist agenda for the domination and destruction of Islam. On the other hand, Iran has every right to point out that these Zionist abuses are a part of a pattern, which extends out over the full history of the UN and the League of Nations.
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Post Title: Prelude to the Kill: Russia deserts Iran
Pilotless planes small enough for a single soldier to carry and operate are gathering intelligence for U.S.-led forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israeli manufacturer said Monday. Elbit Systems, one of Israel's leading defense electronics companies, said its little "Skylark" can cover an area within a range of 6 miles day or night. It is about 7 feet long with a wingspan of nearly 8 feet, the company said.
"Skylark is operational and currently deployed in the global war on terror in Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan," the statement said. It described the Skylark as suited for "close range, beyond-the-next hill, counter-terror missions."
Lt. Col. Matthew McLaughlin of CENTCOM, the American command that handles Iraq and Afghanistan, said the military "would not confirm the use of the drone," but is always looking for aircraft with such capabilities. The U.S. relies heavily on pilotless planes of all shapes and sizes for surveillance, launching missiles and
other missions in the region.
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Post Title: Israeli 'Drones' Fly Over Iraq
Obama's campaign says it had absolutely nothing to do with the video that attacks one of his principal Democratic rivals, his Big Sister, New York Sen. Hitlery Rodham Clinton. Indeed, the ad's creator remains a mystery, at least for now. The Ridley Scott commercial for Apple -- which introduced the computer to a wide audience in, yes, 1984 -- has been updated with "Big Sister" Hillary speaking and an iPod in view.
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FOX's Neil Cavuto conducts what is perhaps the most important interview on earth today because it unequivocally trashes in no uncertain terms the diabolical HOAX that has tricked people of good will around the world into supporting the un-Godly abomination that calls itself a “Jewish state.”
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This ten minute video is in Arabic but includes clips from the israeli documentary at around 2:00 and again at around 7:30. Unfortunately, there are no subtitles for either the Arabic portion or the part in Hebrew. But, the pictures say a thousand words.
Israelis are cold-blooded murderers and they must be held accountable.
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Post Title: 1967 mass murder of unarmed Egyptians by israelis
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Post Title: Jewish Congressman Powerfully proves Jews Have no Power
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A Chinese company has been banned from selling plots of land on the moon, state media reported on Saturday. The company, Lunar Embassy to China, had sold a total of 49 acres (20 hectares) to 34 customers before authorities acted, Xinhua news agency said.
An appeal court on Friday upheld an earlier ruling against the Beijing-based firm which had been selling the lunar plots. In 2005 the company had its business licence revoked and was fined 50,000 yuan (6,450 dollars) by commerce authorities. It sued but the court ruled against the firm.
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Post Title: Land on the Moon cheaper in China than US
In a shocking revelation, KSM described how, in a previous lifetime, incarnated in the body of Judas, he betrayed Jesus with a kiss on the cheek in the Garden of Gethsemane. “I knew what I was doing,” the Sheikh admitted. “You think I did it for 30 pieces of silver?” he spat contemptuously. “I knew what would happen. I had bigger objectives!” Skipping through time, and rambling, the Sheikh admitted being Jack the Ripper in the 19th Century. “I got carried away,” he said sheepishly. “I really like women, and afterwards I felt sorry about it, and tried to stop. But it was like Al Pacino said in that bad Godfather movie: Everytime I tried to get out of it, they kept pulling me back!”
Apparently appealing for sympathy, he adduced similar rationales for his crimes as Adolf Hitler. “What I really wanted was an alliance with Britain to stop Stalin in Russia,” he whimpered in court. “When the Brits didn’t come in to stop me in Spain, I figured they’d join with me after I invaded Poland. Jeez! They really tricked me!”
While the Sheikh admitted to Hitler’s crimes, he stopped short of admitting to Stalin’s. “Even I couldn’t be in two places at the same time,” he murmured wistfully.
Lest we mistake that muffled voice for contrition, the Sheikh proudly admitted to “dabbling” in Black Magic. He claims he was able to inhabit the body of Jeffrey Dahmer and drive him crazy with Christmas jingles playing ad nauseum in the poor man’s head. “They start in November!” the Sheik interjected. “How many times can you hear Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer without going bonkers?” Dahmer’s only recourse, explained KSM, was cannibalism. KSM described it as “an experiment that needed a little fine-tuning.”
The Sheikh said he got the fine-tuning right when he got into Britney Spears’ head and forced her to shave her scalp! “It was easy,” he said. “Once I was in between the ears, there was nothing to distract me. There was no there there!” he said, quoting Gertrude Stein. On the other hand, KSM refused to acknowledge paternity in the case of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby. “Who can say?” he shrugged. “There were so many …”
When one cantankerous reporter—not from Faux news!—pointed out that the Sheik no longer had any fingernails—merely bloody wicket-stumps at the end of his knuckles—KSM denied that torture had anything to do with his latest confessions.
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Post Title: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed : “I Killed Jesus”
Israeli Using Kids as Human shield - Update
When it was all over, the soldiers gave her a cookie and some halva. And just to be on the safe side, they added a threat: "Don't you dare tell your parents; otherwise we'll kill you," they told her before letting her go, knowing they had done a terrible thing. But little Jihan did tell, and so did her parents: The IDF is using children as human shields.
Regarding this practice, known as "early warning" or the "neighbor procedure," then Supreme Court president Aharon Barak wrote in October 2005: "These considerations lead me to the conclusion that the 'Early Warning' procedure is at odds with international law. It comes too close to the normative 'nucleus' of the forbidden, and is found in the relatively grey area of the improper. The result is that we turn the order nisi into an order absolute, in the following way: we declare that the 'Early Warning' procedure contradicts international law." Thus the practice was declared illegal, banned by the Supreme Court. But so what? Instead of using men, how about a little girl? The "neighbor procedure" is prohibited? So we'll use the "neighbor's daughter procedure."
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Post Title: Sick Monsters
On September 10, 2001, before most Americans had heard of Al Qaeda or imagined the possibility of a "war on terror," Donald Rumsfeld stepped to the podium at the Pentagon to deliver one of his first major addresses as Defense Secretary under President George W. Bush. Standing before the former corporate executives he had tapped as his top deputies overseeing the high-stakes business of military contracting--many of them from firms like Enron, General Dynamics and Aerospace Corporation--Rumsfeld issued a declaration of war. "The topic today is an adversary that poses a threat, a serious threat, to the security of the United States of America," Rumsfeld thundered. "It disrupts the defense of the United States and places the lives of men and women in uniform at risk." He told his new staff, "You may think I'm describing one of the last decrepit dictators of the world.... [But] the adversary's closer to home," he said. "It's the Pentagon bureaucracy." Rumsfeld called for a wholesale shift in the running of the Pentagon, supplanting the old DoD bureaucracy with a new model, one based on the private sector. Announcing this major overhaul, Rumsfeld told his audience, "I have no desire to attack the Pentagon; I want to liberate it. We need to save it from itself."
The next morning, the Pentagon would be attacked, literally, as a Boeing 757--American Airlines Flight 77--smashed into its western wall. Rumsfeld would famously assist rescue workers in pulling bodies from the rubble. But it didn't take long for Rumsfeld to seize the almost unthinkable opportunity presented by 9/11 to put his personal war--laid out just a day before--on the fast track. The new Pentagon policy would emphasize covert actions, sophisticated weapons systems and greater reliance on private contractors. It became known as the Rumsfeld Doctrine. "We must promote a more entrepreneurial approach: one that encourages people to be proactive, not reactive, and to behave less like bureaucrats and more like venture capitalists," Rumsfeld wrote in the summer of 2002 in an article for Foreign Affairs titled "Transforming the Military." The only folks who are "winning" these wars in Arghanistan and Iraq are the defense contractors.
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Post Title: Bush's Shadow Army
The Bush administration's greatest success is its ability to escape accountability for its numerous impeachable offenses.
The administration's offenses against US law, the US Constitution, civil liberties, human rights, and the Geneva Conventions, its lies to Congress and the American people, its vote-rigging scandals, its sweetheart no-bid contracts to favored firms, its political firing of Republican US Attorneys, its practice of kidnapping and torturing people in foreign hellholes, and its persecution of whistle blowers are altogether so vast that it is a major undertaking just to list them all.
Bush admits that he violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and spied on US citizens without warrants, a felony under the Act. Bush has shown total disrespect for civil liberty and the Constitution and has suffered rebukes from the Supreme Count. The evidence is overwhelming that the Bush administration manufactured false "intelligence" to justify military aggression against Iraq. The Halliburton contract scandals are notorious, as is the use of electronic voting machines programmed to miscount the actual vote. Paul Craig Roberts
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We live in a fundamentally different world since 9/11. Not only do many Americans view their government with suspicion, but how their government views them has drastically changed.Under these new provisions, the president can now use the military as a domestic police force in response to anything, from a natural disaster, disease outbreak, terrorist attack or to any “other condition.” According to the new law, Bush doesn’t even have to notify Congress of his intent to use military force against the American people—he just has to notify them once he has done so. The defense budget provision’s vague language leaves the doors wide open for rampant abuse. As writer Jane Smiley noted, “the introduction of these changes amounts, not to an attack on the Congress and the balance of power, but to a particular and concerted attack on the citizens of the nation. Bush is laying the legal groundwork to repeal even the appearance of democracy.”
The main reason the military are not patrolling the streets is that under martial law, the Bill of Rights becomes null and void. A standing army—something that propelled the early colonists into revolution—strips the American people of any vestige of freedom. Thus, if we were subject to martial law, there would be no rules, no protections, no judicial oversight and no elections. And unless these provisions are repealed, the president’s new power will be set in stone for future administrations to use—and abuse.
A perfect example of this took place last fall. Prior to the elections that transformed the makeup of Congress, the Bush Administration pushed for the inclusion of two stealth provisions into a mammoth defense budget bill. The additions made it easier for the government to declare martial law and establish a dictatorship.
Who’s to blame here? Zionist occupied Congress has utterly failed to exercise its power to check the growing power of the Executive Branch. The Zionist media have also been woefully remiss. Although a handful of bloggers sounded the alarm, the major media outlets failed to report on it. If it weren’t for a recent editorial in the New York Times, most people would still be in the dark. What’s the point of a free press if you can’t rely on the media to report the news?
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Post Title: Great American Nation, The Late
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's alleged confession testimony has been thoroughly discredited after it emerged that one of the targets he identified, the Plaza Bank, was not founded until 2006, four years after the alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind's arrest.
In his confession, KSM claims, "I was responsible for planning, training, surveying, and financing for the New (or Second) Wave of attacks against the following skyscrapers after 9/11: ...Plaza Bank, Washington state."
KSM was arrested in March 2003. According to the Plaza Bank's website, the organization was founded in early 2006, making it impossible for KSM to have even known of the bank's existence before 2003, never mind plotted against it.
Skepticism about the legitimacy of KSM's confession has gushed forth from all quarters, leaving the credibility of the Pentagon and the process of military tribunals in ruins and provoking additional questions about why the alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind admitted to involvement in such a vast range of plots.
After media commentators across the spectrum, from Time Magazine to Matt Lauer and even Rosie O'Donnell were openly cynical of the accuracy of KSM's testimony, officials speaking on condition of anonymity admitted that the claims were exaggerated, but still insist KSM's responsibility for 9/11, "from A to Z" is genuine.
Former CIA field officer Robert Baer also expressed his doubts, questioning "What the Pentagon's objective really is in releasing the transcript of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's confession."
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Post Title: KSM "Confessed" To Targeting Bank Founded After His Arrest
In Washington, I asked Ray McGovern, formerly a senior CIA officer, what he made of Norman Mailer’s remark that America had entered a pre-fascist state. "I hope he’s right," he replied, "because there are others saying we are already in a fascist mode. When you see who is controlling the means of production here, when you see who is controlling the newspapers and periodicals, and the TV stations, from which most Americans take their news, and when you see how the so-called war on terror is being conducted, you begin to understand where we are headed ... It’s quite something that the nuclear threat today should be seen first and foremost as coming from the United States of America and Great Britain."
McGovern was the author of the president’s daily CIA intelligence brief. I interviewed him more than three years ago, and his prescient words are as striking today as Cockburn’s revelation of Rumsfeld’s secret life is illuminating. His description of fascism within a nominally free society recalls George Orwell’s warning that totalitarianism does not require a totalitarian state.
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Post Title: Closing the Gap Between Torturer and Victim
On Thursday, NBC's Today Show explored whether the confessions of alleged 9/11 "mastermind" Khalid Sheikh Mohammed can be trusted, since he claimed to have been tortured after being detained.
"Let's talk about the issue of torture," NBC's Matt Lauer said. "He says in his statement that he didn't make this statement under duress or pressure, but he does also say that he was tortured by the CIA after his capture."
Last September, CIA sources told ABC News that the harshest technique they were authorized to use on "high-value detainees, such as the 9/11 attacks architect Khalid Sheikh Mohamed...was called 'water boarding,' in which a prisoner's face was covered with cellophane, and water is poured over it (pictured above) -- meant to trigger an unbearable gag reflex."
Lauer notes that "this is a subject" that he discussed during a September of 2006 interview with President Bush, in which he asked, "I mean, if, in fact, there was water boarding used with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and for the viewers, that’s basically when you strap someone to a board and you make them feel as if they’re going to drown by putting them underwater, if that was legal and within the law, why couldn’t you do it at Guantanamo? Why did you have to go to a secret location around the world?"
"I’m not going to talk about techniques," Bush responded to Lauer in September. "And, I’m not going explain to the enemy what we’re doing. All I’m telling you is that you’ve asked me whether or not we’re doing things to protect the American people, and I want the American people to know we are doing so."
Lauer wondered "how credible" was "the laundry list of targets" named by Mohammed, if they were named after he had been water boarded: "Won't you kind of spew out all kinds of locations just to make it stop?"
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Internet censorship is spreading rapidly, being practised by about two dozen countries and applied to a far wider range of online information and applications, according to research by a transatlantic group of academics.
A recent six-month investigation into whether 40 countries use censorship shows the practice is spreading, with new countries learning from experienced practitioners such as China and benefiting from technological improvements.
OpenNet Initiative, a project by Harvard Law School and the universities of Toronto, Cambridge and Oxford, repeatedly tried to call up specific websites from 1,000 international news and other sites in the countries concerned, and a selection of local-language sites. New censorship techniques include the periodic barring of complete applications, such as China’s block on Wikipedia or Pakistan’s ban on Google’s blogging service, and the use of more advanced technologies such as “keyword filtering”, which is used to track down material by identifying sensitive words.
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Post Title: Web censorship spreading globally
Former "Al Qaeda" number 3 man, Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, is reportedly confessing to a number of terrorist attacks at his Military Commission trial (Combatant Status Review Tribunal in Pentagon "Newspeak") in Guantanamo Bay. He claims responsibility for 9/11 "A to Z." He also claimed he planned the 1993 World Trade Center van bombing, Richard Reid's attempted shoe bombing of a trans-Atlantic flight from Paris to Miami, the Bali bombing, an attack on an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya and an attempted missile attack on an Israeli passenger plane at Mombasa airport. Mohammed also claimed that he was behind attempted attacks on the Library Tower in Los Angeles, the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building in New York, the New York Stock Exchange, the Panama Canal, NATO headquarters in Brussels, Israel's port of Eilat, nuclear power plants in the United States, U.S. embassies in Indonesia, Australia, and Japan, Israeli embassies in Australia, Azerbaijan, Philippines, and India, Big Ben in London, and London's Heathrow Airport. He also claimed that he was behind plots to assassinated Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf, Pope John Paul II, President Jimmy Carter, and President Bill Clinton (why is it that Democrats are always targeted by these terrorists?) Left off the list were the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (Mohammed must have been on vacation then) and the USS Cole (that was Sudan's doing according to a Federal judge in Norfolk, Virginia).
Tomorrow, Mohammed may claim responsibility for the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby, the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, Avian flu, the sinking of the Andrea Doria, and the Challenger and Columbia disasters.
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Post Title: US Secret Kangaroo Court
The New World Order from the horse's mouth:
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Post Title: NWO From The Mouths of The Elite
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.~ Henry A. Kissinger
Things are starting to get interesting. Global markets, puffed up by the Feds’ loose fiscal policy, took a nosedive the other day, sending ripples of fear through investors. The mortgage industry, after years of irresponsible lending practices, is being wheeled to intensive care. Our troop "surge" in Iraq is producing an all-too predictable wave of violence, and our soldiers in Afghanistan are bracing for a brutal summer offensive by the Taliban.
The casual observer could be excused for wondering if anyone is steering this ship. And if so, do they have a plan? Is there a method to this madness?.
The answers to these questions can be found, in my opinion, by examining the needs and wants of our ruling class. Any honest analysis of history reveals one sober axiom: All statist political systems exist primarily to perpetuate the power and privilege of the elites who control the system. This axiom is true even for those systems that claim to oppose class-based privilege.
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Post Title: Empire in the Ditch
Politics is the art of destroying one’s enemies and rewarding one’s friends. By this standard, the Bush regime is the most capable administration in American history. Bush and his fellows have shown time and again that they have sharp elbows and can be cold-blooded political street fighters.
The “Swift-boating” of John Kerry, Dan Rather and Joseph Wilson are just a few of the more familiar examples. Each was singled out as a potential rival by high-ranking members of the administration and summarily drawn-and-quartered by assassins in the far-right media.
The unexpected sacking of eight US attorneys is another example of the administration’s astonishing proficiency at destroying its enemies, although the attorneys in question were not the “real targets” per se. The purpose of the firings was to use the justice system to conduct personal attacks on members of the Democratic leadership, either by indicting them prior to elections or challenging the results of recent balloting. The intention was to strengthen the “one party” system of Karl Rove’s dreams.
This, of course, is a much more serious charge than “outing” a CIA agent (Valerie Plame) or slandering a decorated veteran. (John Kerry) It is a direct attack on the two-party system and the foundations of democratic government
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Post Title: The rise of the Rove Reich
Are we all on the same page when it comes to "racism?" No. Sometimes it is used to imply that one race thinks they are superior to others. Another dictionary definition is discrimination against people of a certain race or races. But in today's world, it means just about anything a court, a group, an action committee, or any other faction wants it to mean in order to denigrate the other party (the one doing the offending, which by the amount of space devoted to it in media, is a full-time occupation of most European-heritage Americans who aren't even thinking about it). What is even more confusing is that when "racist" is an epithet hurled at someone because they are allegedly anti-Islamic, then "Islam" becomes a race rather than a religion. The same is true of people of Mexican origin, although Mexican is a nationality, not a religion and not a race.
If this sounds somewhat confusing, that is because it is. Special interest groups have made sure it's confusing.
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Post Title: The Racism Ploy.
Documentary filmmaker Yoav Shamir's depiction of the checkpoints that the Israel Defense Forces man in the Palestinian Authority.
This is a film that simply provides a "fly on the wall" account of various checkpoints on the Palestine-Israel border. Miles from anywhere, people travel frequently, walking long distances, to go to hospitals or to work. The Israeli guards like to 'show them' and routinely harass them by making them stand in the blazing sun, driving rain, or deep snow for many hours (eg up to ten hours) before returning their papers and often sending them home. They are polite, but admit to the cameras that this is how they deal with people - force them to stand in the rain.
It could almost be a laid back Palestinian expose of what is happening at the checkpoints except - and here is the double-whammy - it is made by an Israeli, with Israeli funding - and it has been snapped up and promoted by the Israelis in cinemas but also the Palestinians - what is perhaps even more shocking (according to the director Yoav Shamir at the Edinburgh International Film Festival) it is now being used by the Israeli forces as training material for their guards.
I also like the style of it, no commentary, just "fly on the wall"-filming (minus the single comment made by the cameraman to a soldier) - In my opinion that is real documentary. You get to see what is going on and is allowed to develop your own interpretation. - p2P2p
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Post Title: The Herded Life of Palestinians
An Iranian official on Sunday lashed out at the Hollywood movie "300" for insulting the Persian civilization, local Fars News Agency reported.
Javad Shamqadri, an art advisor to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, accused the new movie of being "part of a comprehensive U.S. psychological war aimed at Iranian culture", said the report.
Shamqadri was quoted as saying "following the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Hollywood and cultural authorities in the U.S. initiated studies to figure out how to attack Iranian culture," adding "certainly, the recent movie is a product of such studies."
The movie's effort wound be fruitless, because "values in Iranian culture and the Islamic Revolution are too strongly seated to be damaged by such plans", said the Iranin official
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Post Title: Movie "300" an insult to Persian civilization
An expedition designed to show how global warming is heating the Arctic had to be called off after one of the explorers got frostbite, thanks to incredibly frigid temperatures that got as low as 100 degrees below zero.
Explorers Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen planned to make a 530-mile journey on foot across the Arctic Ocean, but they had to call off the trek after Arnesen suffered frostbite in three of her toes, and extreme cold temperatures drained the batteries in some of their electronic equipment.
According to The Associated Press, they had planned to call in regular updates to school groups by satellite phone and had planned online posts with photographic evidence showing the alleged effects of global warming on the Arctic regions. On their Web site they claim that "Arctic climate is now warming rapidly" and added that "much larger changes are projected."
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Post Title: Cold Chills Global Warming Expedition
Stop asking questions and just let us tax the living hell out of you, including the very air you breathe, after all - it's for the environment and we've never lied to you before have we?
Invoking September 11 has officially been succeeded by a new mantra and an excuse for the state to unleash a fresh tyranny no matter how offensive and damaging to individual liberty it may be. Global warming has replaced 9/11 as the justification to do anything!
The bellicose denouncement of global warming skeptics (that is skeptics of the man-made explanation) and their tarring as being akin to holocaust deniers, is beginning to mirror what happened after 9/11, when anyone who criticized Bush's agenda was lambasted as a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, and completely divorced from the political mainstream. Simply evoking the menace of global warming has become the government's justification to do anything!
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Post Title: Global Warming Replaces 9/11 As Justification To Do Anything
Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, the threat of a deadly flu pandemic and now the Real ID: Are global events unfolding something bigger?
First came 9/11 and the beginning of the 'war on terror'. Then a tsunami in Asia killed approximately 250,000 people. Hurricanes Katrina, Wilma, and an earthquake In South Asia followed, which claimed tens of thousands more lives. 2006 witnessed leaders of countries referencing terms like "Apocalypse" and "Armageddon" to describe the uneasy times. 2007 has started out with record snowfalls in parts of the US, the national weather service is predicting even more blizzards, experts warn that a deadly avian flu virus could pass over to the human population at any time in a full-blown pandemic, potentially bringing global markets to their knees, and now the US Congress has erupted in a debate about the biblical "Mark of the Beast."
Over at, a popular website that serves as a daily news aggregator of a wide variety of world events based on reflection to Bible prophecy, Irvin Baxter Jr. runs the most widely circulated prophecy magazine in the world, hosts a daily radio broadcast called Politics and Religion, and is the author of several prophecy books and Bible studies. Recently his Endtime magazine reached national exposure when the Associated Press ran a feature story on Sen. Ruth Whitaker, whose resolution opposing the Real ID Act of 2005 passed the Arkansas Senate
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Post Title: Apocalypse discussion reaches from US President to legislators
Last week, the New York Times published an extraordinary editorial complaining that "Right now, everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free." The Times editors suggested that the government "start charging for the privilege" by imposing a "carbon tax."
We all knew it would eventually come to this: the New York Times thinks the government should tax us for breathing.
Of course, the editorial was supposed to be aimed at big corporations who build coal-fired power plants--but why should the logic stop there? Right now, eight million people are walking around on the streets of New York City heedlessly inhaling precious oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, treating the skies over their fair city "like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free." Shouldn't they be forced to pay for the "privilege," too? Watch the 3 part video about the swindle on this site
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Post Title: Taxing Us for Breathing
New Labour Rule by Fear
SCOTLAND YARDies has uncovered evidence (?) that Al-Qaeda has been plotting to bring down the internet in Britain, causing chaos to business and the London Stock Exchange.
In a series of raids, detectives have recovered computer files revealing that terrorist suspects had targeted a high-security internet “hub” in London. (?)
The facility, in Docklands, houses the channel through which almost every bit of information on the internet passes in or out of Britain.
The suspects, who were arrested, had targeted the headquarters of Telehouse Europe, which houses Europe’s biggest “web hotel”, containing dozens of “servers” , the boxes which contain the information that makes up the web. (A dozen servers blah blah I know one tiny company that owns 100's of servers so?)
Security experts (Which "Experts"?)say the plot against Britain’s internet “hub” reflects the constantly changing threat from Al-Qaeda and related Islamic extremist groups. Nice spin from Zionist Rupert Merde OCH the Mossad agent , do you want to buy? Source:
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Post Title: Al-qaeda plot to bring down UK Internet
THE US vice-president, Dick Cheney, is expected to come under pressure over his role in the outing of Valerie Plame, the former CIA agent, when she testifies before Congress this week.
It was Plame’s exposure - after her husband Joseph Wilson accused the White House of manipulating prewar intelligence over the supposed sale of yellowcake uranium ore to Iraq - that led to the conviction last week of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Cheney’s top aide, for lying and obstruction of justice.
Jurors felt they had punished only the “fall guy” for the affair after Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor, said in his closing remarks that there was “a cloud over the vice-president”.
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Post Title: Unmasked agent piles pressure on 'liability' Cheney
One reason the Bush administration has fared so poorly over the past several years is its obsessive fear of public accountability, separation of powers and checks and balances. From its secret prisons to its classified torture memos, from its clandestine authorization of NSA spying to its efforts to deny the detainees at Guantanamo Bay any access to the writ of habeas corpus, the Bush administration has entered one long plea of "trust us". President Bush is, after all, "the decider".
As the Framers of the US Constitution well understood, such an approach to governance is a recipe for disaster. A recently-released Justice Department audit of the FBI's use of PATRIOT Act authority is the latest example of the consequences that accompany the "trust us" theory of governance
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Post Title: When the FBI says 'trust us'
Some retailers could soon start surcharging customers if they choose to buy products with cash, because of the greater cost of processing these payments, he warned. Visa Europe briefed the British Retail Consortium last month on new "contactless" cards that can be waved in front of a scanner to make small payments.
Why A hell of things are planned for the 'year 2012' one needs to be extra alert
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Post Title: Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has upstaged George Bush's Latin American tour in a show of political theatre that this weekend saw insults hurled across the River Plate.
'The little imperial gentleman from the north must be across the river by now. Let's send him a big shout: Gringo go home,' Chavez told thousands of people gathered at a football stadium on Friday night, prompting roars of 'Gringo go home'.
Gringo go home
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Post Title: Gringo go home
INSIDE Washington, the frustration of doing business with Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, is matched only by the fear of living life without him.
For years, the notion that Mr. Musharraf is all that stands between Washington and a group of nuclear-armed mullahs has dictated just how far the White House feels it can push him to root out Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives who enjoy a relatively safe existence in Pakistan.
The last time Pakistan went to the polls in 2002, religious political parties received just 11 percent of the vote, compared with more than 28 percent won by the secular party led by Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister.
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Post Title: One Bullet Away From What?
Osama bin Laden, charismatic founder of al-Qaeda, died of typhoid earlier this month in Pakistan, according to a highly classified intelligence brief given to the King of Saudi Arabia and President Chirac this week, and leaked to the French newspaper L'Est Republicain.
The chief of the terror group was known to have been suffering from acute typhoid and seeking treatment in Pakistan in mid-August. This was picked up and tracked by Saudi intelligence services. The same sources, said by the French to be very reliable, believe he later died. Bin Laden last appeared on video in 2004. A few poor-quality audio tapes purporting to be of his voice surfaced earlier this year - but it was impossible to say when the original recordings were made.
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Post Title: Is Osama bin Laden dead?
Failed war policy, inept VA, corruption rampant throughout the adminstration in policies and practices, fiscal policies that would make Reagan wince and yet... it's blame the liberal day.
* Liberals are less compassionate, more racists and less concerned about the environment than conservatives... complete with proof and stuff.
* Scooter's verdict was the result of a liberal cabal hell bent on underming the authority of Lord Vader. Facts, be gone!
* The war is completely justified because everybody believed the bullshit they were fed.
...and in other news.
* Ain't hypocrisy grand?
* Evolution.. sometimes, it's a choice.
* Bush, he's the ring around the international tub.
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Post Title: Ain't hypocrisy grand?
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Post Title: Iran Attack: Neocons Find New Curveball
It is shameless, but wholly typical. “Fears about U.S. job losses from globalization are driving the debate over renewing the White House’s fast-track trade negotiating authority and may require legislative action on a number of fronts, a top Senate Democrat said,” reports the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post. “The White House wants a renewal of fast-track trade legislation—also known as trade promotion authority—to finish the five-year-old Doha round of trade talks and pursue additional bilateral trade deals.”
Of course, this has nothing to do with fears of job losses, as impoverishing the American people, or rather putting them on a “level playing field” with the slave economy of “communist” China is the idea here. NAFTA was sold in much the same way. “NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t support this agreement,” declared Clinton in 1993, as he signed “NAFTA side agreements.” Clinton, a member of the Trilateral Commission, knew the exact opposite would happen—NAFTA made sure “good-paying American jobs” would eventually end up in China by way of Mexico.
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Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after Evil Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.
"That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, the director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization with close ties to Mayan religious and political leaders, said Thursday.
Bush's seven-day tour of Latin America includes a stopover beginning late Sunday in Guatemala. On Monday morning he is scheduled to visit the archaeological site Iximche on the high western plateau in a region of the Central American country populated mostly by Mayans.
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Post Title: Mayan priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
Harry Schultz, the iconic financial guru who has been tracking the US loss of liberty for almost half a century, warned his readers in January that, like lambs to the slaughter, "Its all over!" He even addressed readers as "Dear Lambs." This week I'll add my analysis to the controversy. Just how far gone are we, and is there any hope?
The International Harry Schultz Life Strategies Letter [ ] of January 21, 2007 begins with the now famous conspiracy quotation from David Rockefeller at the secret Bilderburger conference in Baden-Baden Germany in 1991: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, NY Times, Time magazine & other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings & respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world govt. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite & world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." Read PDF article and make up your mind
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Post Title: Harry Schultz Says It's All Over - Is He Right?
With three countries -- Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- vying for the off-shore oil booty in seas where maritime borders are contested, the Bush/Cheney cartel hopes to achieve a dominant position to exploit the oil reserves for their oil industry friends and backers.
The recent visit of the U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet's USS Gary (FFG 51) to the Ream Naval Base near Sihanoukville on February 9, 2007 was billed as the first visit of a U.S. Navy ship in 30 years. What the Navy and media did not report was that the last U.S. Navy ships to "visit" Cambodia were those in 1975 that pulverized the Cambodian coast in response to the capture of the SS Mayaguez by Khmer Rouge forces.
With the U.S. support for the September 16, 2006 military coup in Thailand that overthrew that nation's democratically-elected government becoming clear (U.S. ambassador to Thailand Ralph Boyce now sports a yellow tie, a show of support for the royalist-backed coup -- yellow being the color of the monarchy), there is speculation that the U.S. will beef up a presence at Thai bases that were once important during the Vietnam War. This includes the base at Utapao, Thailand, a one-time P3-Orion naval reconnaissance aircraft base and US Air Force base used to attack Cambodia over the Mayaguez incident. Since Thailand was never consulted on the use of Utapao in the attack on Cambodia, Thailand ordered the base vacated by the Americans. The Thais never believed the Mayaguez was an innocent merchant vessel but had somehow provoked the Cambodians to seize it in Cambodian territorial waters.
The Thais continue to be wary of U.S. intentions in Cambodia. The Thai-Cambodian border is in dispute and some Khmers make no secret of their desire to take back historically Khmer territory in eastern Thailand.
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WMR's report yesterday on the U.S. naval buildup in Southeast Asia, particularly in Cambodia, coincides with a major Israeli intelligence and weapons smuggling operation in the region.
Israel has been a major, albeit covert, player in Southeast Asia since Israeli multi-billionaire tycoon Shaul Eisenberg began supplying weapons to Cambodia's genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. Eisenberg, a close business partner of China's military, was also an early arms supplier to Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot. Eisenberg was active with Asia's Jewish community during World War II, not as an compatriot of the Allies but as a close intelligence and business partner of Japan's Imperial government, which was allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the Axis Alliance. Escaping Nazi-controlled Europe, Eisenberg settled in the Far East, making his primary bases of operation Japanese-occupied Shanghai and Japan itself. In Shanghai, Eisenberg, along with Imperial Japanese military intelligence units, formed units of future Jewish terrorist groups -- the Irgun and the Shanghai Betar (Betar was founded in the 1930s by the Polish Zionist Yakob Jabotinsky, a supporter of Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, to battle the British for control of Palestine and the ideological godfather of later neoconservative oracle Leo Strauss). The Japanese taught the Jewish paramilitary forces in Shanghai, including some who escaped from Joseph Stalin's Jewish Autonomous Region creation in the Soviet Far East on the Chinese border, how to disrupt colonial occupiers' logistics and command and control elements, strategies that had been successful against the British, Dutch, French, and American colonial authorities in Asia. The Irgun and Betar gangs would eventually use the knowledge gained from the Japanese in their terror campaign against British and Arab forces in Palestine following World War II. Eventually, Irgun and Betar veterans would form the present-day Likud Party, now headed by Binyamin Netanyahu, a noted extreme right-winger. On September 28, 2005, the Zim Asia collided with a Japanese fishing vessel, killing seven Japanese sailors aboard the fishing vessel. If Cambodia is any measure of Israel's true intentions, it is clear that Israel's double game seeks to destabilize world and regional peace by selling to adversarial sides in civil and other wars and reaping huge profits as a result.
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The last straw for some Democrats is quiet but firm backing from AIPAC-allied politicians and special interests for a presidential pardon for convicted former Vice President Chief of Staff Irving Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Even as Libby was being found guilty, the Libby Legal Defense Fund announced a new member had joined its advisory committee. He is Charles Heimbold, Jr., former Chairman and CEO of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and a former U.S. ambassador to Sweden. Advisory Committee Chairman Mel Sembler, the former U.S. ambassador to Italy whose fingerprints are found on the transmittal of the bogus Niger documents from Italian hands to the Bush administration -- one of the incidents that led to CIA Leakgate -- said the following about the conviction of Libby: "Scooter is a good man and a distinguished public servant who has been wrongly accused."
Other Libby Defense Fund advisory committee members who continue to support the convicted felon include Mary Matalin, former aide to Dick Cheney and wife of Democratic Party insider and Hillary Clinton supporter James Carville; former Education Secretary William Bennett; former HUD Secretary Jack Kemp; former Attorney General Edwin Meese III; former Senator Don Nickles; former Rep. Bill Paxon; former Clinton Middle East envoy Dennis Ross; former Senator Alan Simpson; Hollywood straphanger and former Senator Fred Thompson; and former CIA Director James Woolsey. The one question that can be asked of all these and other Libby Advisory Committee members is: "Why do they hate America so much?"
Libby Defense Find features this photo of Libby with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai. Libby once penned a novel titled "The Apprentice," which featured pedophilia, bestiality, and rape. Karzai is rumored by our Afghanistan sources to be an aficionado of "boy dancers," underage male strip dancers that are popular with Karzai's fellow Pashtun warlords. One reason the Taliban banned music and dancing was to eliminate the attendant sexual exploitation of boys by the Pashtun elite.
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Post Title: Libby the AIPAC Darling
Resembling a huge bird with fixed wings and a mushroom sticking out of its head, Israel's largest unmanned surveillance aircraft flew over a seaside air force base, its promoters claiming it can fly higher, faster and farther than any other drone.
With its 16.6m wingspan and ability to fly for as long as 30 hours at a time, at a speed of 225kph and a height of 9,000m, the Heron is Israel's latest and most advanced weapon in the booming field of drone technology, air force officers said.
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Post Title: Israel unveils new surveillance drone
Is there a conspiracy to rule the world? Is there a master plan to bring America under the spell of a one-world order? Who are the Bilderbergers and the members of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission? Do they really wield powers over commerce and government around the world? In "Hope of the Wicked: Master Plan to the Rule the World," Ted Flynn reveals the greatest deception in modern history – the way corporations, foundations and governments are converging to bring about a New World Order. This is not mere conjecture and speculation. It is 550 pages with 82 photographs and 1,200 footnotes and a strong historical basis to make the case that a global elite is indeed working to end the sovereignty of nations – including the U.S. Flynn also lays out the utopian dream of the United Nations and shows how its tentacles are now reaching into your life – no matter where you live. He reveals the plans for world taxation and world courts with absolute jurisdiction over every person living on the planet.
It's all covered in "Hope of the Wicked."
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Post Title: The master plan to rule the world exposed
Leave it to a newspaper founded by Baron Black of Crossharbour, aka Conrad Black the neocohn, in its desire to diss Democrats, to demonstrate there is absolutely no difference between Republicans and Democrats.
“The Democratic-controlled Congress is moving to outflank both the Bush administration and the United Nations with the toughest set of sanctions against Iran that have ever been proposed,” reports the New York Sun. Democrats in control of the corporate and “special interest” whorehouse on the Potomac have introduced “legislation to sanction foreign companies that do business with Iran and to re-impose the import restrictions,” just in time for the convergence of AIPAC, the Bwana of “special interests,” that is to say hijacking government policy and siphoning off billions of dollars to the outlaw state of Israel.
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Post Title: As AIPAC Strolls into Town, Politicos Line Up to Kiss the Pinky Ring
"I believe in the universality of freedom (Guantanamo Bay)," George Bush told the audience at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington last month, "and I believe that this country, this grand country of ours, has an obligation to help people realize the blessings of (Abu Ghraib) freedom."
This belief, you might even call it a "faith," reflects the "calling" American presidents have long had to improve, if not remake, the rest of the world in their own image. Ronald Reagan also said Americans, whom he believed better than other folks, had an "obligation" and took it upon himself to fund the Contras to overthrow Nicaragua's legitimate regime. Richard Nixon before him also held this conceit, and overthrew the elected government in Chile. Dwight Eisenhower personally signed an order okaying a CIA overthrow of Iran 's democratically elected government in 1953.
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Post Title: Bush Not First US President To Exhibit Master Race Tendencies
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"People are becoming more and more aware of the need for a new international order..." -- John Paul II, World Day of Peace Homily, Jan. 1, 2004 |
"It is a big idea: a new world order... only the United States has both the moral standing and means to back it up." --Former President George Bush, State of Union address, Jan. 29, 1991 |