| Why I believe the Jews are lying about the Holocaust From time to time I get asked why I believe that the Jews are lying about the Holocaust. After all, they argue, if they lied about it, it would be such a gigantic lie, that if found out, it would do incredible damage to the Jewish people.
Apart from being utterly immoral, why would the Jews be so crazy to take such a huge risk? |
| The 10 Commandments
First of all, I would like to comment on the morality question. Jews, of course, like Christians and Muslim consider lying as one of the cardinal sins, forbidden by Moses’ 10 commandments. Where Judaism differs from Christianity and Islam though, is in its limitation of the application to those 10 commandments to fellow co-religionists.
While some people argue that the Torah (Old Testimony) is still ambiguous on that matter, the Talmud – Judaism’s authoritative interpretation of the Torah - leaves no doubt: Gentiles, are not protected by the ‘Law’. |  |
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An Insight Into Their World
The Talmud literally declares Gentiles to be non-human, but cattle in human shape, created by God for the enrichment and comfort of Jews. From the point of view of many Jews, even though they will rigorously deny that this is the case, it is no sin to deceive, defraud, exploit, enslave, prostitute, torture, kill, as long as the victim is not Jewish. This is precisely the reason why Jews historically have been dominating slave trade and usury.
This is also the reason why Jews are dominating up to this day and age every vice and crime you can make money with: sex slavery, human trafficking, prostitution, drug trade, weapon trade, gambling, you name it. In other words, moral considerations are not the slightest obstacle for Jews to lie about the Holocaust.
| A history of lies and deception
If it wasn’t for the Jewish control of mainstream media, it would be common knowledge that Jews are constantly lying for financial and political gains. Just a few examples:
Jews deny that Jews dominate Western media.
Jews deny that Jews dominate the financial sector.
Jews deny that Jews control the U.S. government.
Jews deny that the ‘Young Turks’ behind the Armenian genocide were in fact Jewish.
Jews deny that the vast majority of Bolsheviks were Jewish and that the Ukrainian genocide was a Jewish anti-Christian progrom.
Jews deny that the Israeli government has committed numerous false-flag attacks including the attack by the Israeli Airforce on the U.S.S. Liberty
Jews deny that there has ever been human sacrifices of Christian children as part of their Passover ritual.
Jews deny that historic events of the past 100 years follow precisely the blueprint of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, irrespective of the question whether they are genuine or forgery.
Jews deny the involvement of Israel’s Mossad in the false-flag terrorist attacks on 9/11 and 7/7. |  |
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A history of ruthless pursuit of political and financial goals Jews have a well known history of ruthlessly pursuing their political and financial goals. Just a couple of examples:
The spreading of false rumours about a victory of Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo with the purpose of crashing the London Stock Exchange, enabling the Rothschild to buy the entire English market for less than 5% of its value.
The creation of World War I and II for the purpose of spreading communism and the creation of the Jews-only state.
The systematic use of torture, ethnic cleansing and extra-judicial killings against the Palestinian people.
The systematic use of lies and deception including false-flag terrorism.
| Flimsy evidence and lack of due process During the series of war crimes tribunals conducted in post-war Germany, it was common practice to admit hearsay evidence. Witnesses of the prosecution could not be cross-examined.
Confessions of the defendants were frequently the result of torture, including the crushing of testicles, and mock trials, of threats of handing over family members to the Russians or refusing desperately needed food rations. In the most prominent case of the commander of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the confession was written in English, with no attached translation, in spite of the fact that the commander didn’t know any English. |  |
| | Hundreds and thousands of nonsensical claims The more light is thrown on the Holocaust accusations, the more obvious it becomes how ridiculous many of them are. Some of them have been debunked for decades, such as the gruesome soap and lamp shades horror stories.
That doesn’t prevent the ‘Holocaust Industry’ though from continuing to spread them. Others are so obviously wrong, such as claims that 1.5 million Jews were gassed by exhaust fumes of a Russian diesel tank engine, that you have to wonder how the Jews could get away with them for 60 years. Any medical student can tell you that you have to be a severe asthma sufferer to die from diesel exhaust fumes. |
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