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Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Trial for Two Israeli Spies May Be Thwarted
Up until only a few weeks ago, it was a trial that was almost assured to take place against one of the most powerful and dangerous organizations ever to work against American interests–AIPAC. After years of investigations and hundreds of hours of surveillance and wiretaps, a mountain of evidence the size of Mt. Sinai was gathered against the accused spies Rosen and Weissman and promised a victory for the American people as seemingly easy as pouring water out of a boot with the directions on the heel.
The resulting aftershocks would no doubt have resulted in major political changes taking place over time with regards to America’s cozy love affair with Israel. The resulting fallout ensuing from AIPAC being associated with the dirty business of treason and espionage would have eventually led to it being forced to register as the lobby of a foreign government, which it most certainly is.
More than that though, and the more dangerous as far as AIPAC is concerned, is that a shift in how Americans see the relationship between their own country and a nation that engages in aggressive espionage against them would have taken place. Those running this nest of spies understood this all too well, which is why calls were made, visits were paid and why strings were pulled to see to it that ‘the fix’ was put in place in scuttling this important trial before it even began.
Now, based on recent events, tragically it appears that not only is America going to be denied the justice she deserves, she may not even get her day in court. Besides the several delays granted by presiding Judge TS Ellis since charges were first brought against the 2 accused spies Rosen and Weissman over 3 years ago, now other developments suggest the likelihood of this case going to trial has been seriously compromised. If indeed this turns out to be the case than America’s security stands to be threatened in a manner never before seen in her history.
In an unprecedented move that portends serious problems for the people of the United States, US District Court Judge Ellis has granted several requests on the part of the two accused spies for Israel that bode ill. The first involves forcing current and former high-ranking US government officials to testify, including figures no less in stature than current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Ex-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Council chief Stephen Hadley, ex-DoD official Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Richard Armitage and others who all played instrumental roles in getting America on board with the current illegal invasion and obliteration of Iraq. The list (basically a who’s who of Zionist Neocons, puppets and puppet masters alike) are individuals up to their ears in the gangsterism of Neocon politics and who have gotten their hands dirty at the behest of the parent company employing the accused spies Rosen and Weissman, Israel.
To all except those who understand the organically-dirty nature of Zionist intrigue, this latest appears to be but a harmless (albeit ridiculous) legal maneuver on the part of the defense, similar in its flavor to an accused bank robber claiming that his string of crimes are part and parcel of his inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To those however who have had the scales removed from their eyes with regards to the gangsterism of Zionist political maneuvering, this latest represents a subtle yet unequivocal threat on the part of Israel and her supporters, akin to a mugger pointing an unseen gun at his would-be victim from within a coat pocket.
The defense’s argument (in addition to the ridiculous assertion that the present case is an issue of ‘freedom of speech’) is that the top-secret information (some of it classified ‘SCI,’ the highest classification that exists) received by the two accused spies Rosen and Weissman from former Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin (convicted of espionage and sentenced to 13 years) and which they in turn passed along to Israel was ‘nothing out of the ordinary’ and the sort of thing that ‘happens all the time’ between good friends like America and Israel.
Based on everything known about the relationship between Israel and America (and particularly with the administration of George Bush) this may be the one time in its long history of lying that AIPAC is actually telling the truth. The information passed along by Pentagon analyst Franklin is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket compared to what has most likely been passed along to Israel by the previously-named officials now being called to testify.
In other words, Rice and the other administration officials being forced to admit under oath that they themselves passed national defense secrets on to representatives of a foreign government would in the process be incriminating and opening themselves up for possible criminal prosecution, and this is obviously something not likely to occur.
In comparative terms, this move in forcing the Bush administration to testify as to its own role in sharing top secret information with a foreign government is the courtroom version of “The Sampson Option” (Israel’s longstanding military protocol calling for the launch of nuclear weapons against the entire world in the event that her own existence is substantively threatened) a case of “taking the world down with her” in the midst of her own demise. In this instance, what Israel and her high-priced legal team (including the likes of the infamous Abbie Lowell) are saying in effect is ‘Go ahead with the trial and we’ll spill the beans on what the US government knew and what it has done.’ It is no different than Al Capone and his gang threatening to sing like a bird and ‘name names’ concerning corrupt public officials on the Syndicate payroll if the case goes to trial. With arch-Neocon insiders such as Wolfowitz, Abrams, Feith (and a whole slew of others not appearing in this piece) being called to testify, Americans can be sure that all sorts of embarrassing or even explosive material would be divulged and given to the press, including US government foreknowledge of 9/11 and its subsequent cover-up, the lies told to justify the war in Iraq, the Iranian situation and a basketful of similarly-dirty laundry aired for public consideration. And it would not just involve low-level lackeys such as Rice, Rumsfeld, et al, but would most likely go all the way to the top, involving Bush and Cheney. This is to speak nothing of the information Israel’s intelligence service Mossad has acquired on these individuals in terms of their personal lives. Given the fact that the Zionists will not work with anyone except criminals, Americans can be sure that those occupying the highest levels of government have more than a few skeletons in the closet that they prefer remain unknown and unseen. In the event that Rice & Co pull the ‘executive privilege’ ace out of their collective sleeve and for reasons of national security refuse to answer questions (as recently took place before Congress) the defense can claim it was denied valuable, pertinent testimony and thus call for a mistrial, or worse, that the case be thrown out from the bench.
In the meantime, Israel and her supporters (and particularly among deluded Christians Zionists who make up the ‘Amen Corner’ in America) would maintain that–once again–the beleaguered Jewish people ‘were used’ by powerful forces against their own will, and that–once again–the present conundrum is all a product of–surprise, surprise–“anti-Semitism”.
Other troubling developments related to this case include Judge Ellis allowing the defense to interrogate possible jurors for any ‘anti-Jewish’ feelings on their part. Again, while this may seem like a reasonable thing to do in a court case, what has to be considered is that this particular creature has a history of going to ridiculous and irrational lengths when it comes to this topic. Given what passes for ‘anti-Semitism’ in the great mind’s eye resting atop the infamous New World Order pyramid with all its Kabalistic symbolism, anything (including a prospective juror saying that spying for Israel against America constitutes criminal activity) could easily fall within the parameters of ‘Jew hatred’ and as such (in the event they are indeed convicted) be used in claiming victim status for the accused. Any doubts that Judge Ellis has been feeling the heat from all the usual suspects over the enormity of this case should be tempered after considering how he (Ellis) spoke sympathetically to convicted spy Franklin before giving him the federally-mandated minimum sentence, saying “I accept your explanation that you didn’t want to hurt the United States and that you are a loyal American.”
And if all this weren’t bad news enough by itself, there is recent and past history to consider as well. Following in the footsteps of his predecessor Bill Clinton, (who pardoned Mossad agent Marc Rich on his last day in office) there is George Bush and his commuting the sentence of well-known Mossad operative Irving ‘Scooter” Libby’s. With this as a model there is no reason to believe Bush wouldn’t do the same with respect to the two Israeli spies Rosen and Weissman.
Of course, again this is all based on the assumption that the trial will take place at all. Keep in mind that Michael Mukasey, an orthodox Jew who was directly involved in sending back to Israel a whole gaggle of Mossad agents immediately following 9/11 (including the infamous ‘High-Fivers’ seen filming the destruction of the Twin Towers and cheering) has been made head of the US Justice Department. As such, with a simple phone call he can shut down the trial with all the ease involved in ordering a take-out pizza. Needless to say, Mukasey being made the nation’s highest law enforcement officer portends the worst, and particularly with regards to the issue of Israeli espionage against America. Given that he decides who and what will be investigated, it is not hard to imagine FBI counter-espionage teams being pulled off of vital cases involving Israel in order to catch whale poachers in Alaska.
When once speaking about AIPAC, accused spy Steve Rosen compared it to a ‘night flower’ that ‘thrives in the dark and withers in the light of day’. He was not speaking poetically as much as accurately, and he knew it. If Americans knew the extent to which their nation has been plunged into the bloody affairs of Middle East politics, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the gathering storm involving Iran and Syria as a result of this lobby’s influence they would burn down the headquarters and run its members out of the country. Excepting something truly apocalyptic taking place, this trial may be the last chance for Americans to wake up to the danger they face as a result of this lobby’s influence over their nation’s affairs. Anything less than justice being served will result in increased spying on America, both in terms of activity and aggressiveness, increased false flag operations and whatnot. Having no reason to fear the US Justice system, Jonathon Pollards will be crawling out of the wood work like termites boring into the load-bearing beams of the US national security apparatus.
With all this in mind, let all Americans hope and pray that the same omnipotent and merciful God invoked by men such as George Washington still lends an ear to the prayers of good patriots who recognize the danger that their beloved nation faces and that His hand will guide events accordingly.
2007 Mark Glenn
More on Israeli Spying
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Post Title: Trial for Two Israeli Spies May Be Thwarted
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