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Thursday, 15 November 2007
Fighting Israel's War
Throughout his entire career, Bush has demonstrated a propensity for making things worse, from his failed business interests to his failures in government. His natural talent for taking things and really messing them up made it seem like just another mistake, when he altered the war on terrorism into a war to protect Israel. The spin-masters and the corporate media wove the deceptions and White House lies into the seamless tapestry of myths which fed the popular war hysteria.
"W's" greatest mistake has been his merging of the nuclear non-proliferation issue with the war on terrorism. His choice to fight Islamic terrorism indirectly, is a formula for defeat. Going after potential sponsors of terror and their non-existent nuclear weapons, instead of simply fighting the terrorists themselves, is a losing strategy. Chasing terrorists into new strongholds and hiring mercenaries to pursue them, instead of fighting to eliminate them, is another formula for defeat. The battle against al Qaida has been forgotten, except when it was needed for publicity purposes.
The war we are now in is not the war that started on 9/11. It is an entirely different war, being fought for other reasons, another country's reasons. "Bait and switch," that may be the designation used by future historians to describe this war. America was attacked because we foolishly trusted that our leaders' first priority was to defend us. Our leaders were busy making plans for the day after we were attacked, nobody concerned themselves with preventing attacks. Why should they try to avoid deadly attacks upon Americans, when such attacks are considered to be great opportunities to enact long-dormant plans for erasing our Constitution. The neocon Project for a New American Century was just such a plan, a plan to turn America into a fascist state, waiting for the "event" (a new "Pearl Harbor") that would justify its implementation.
We trusted Bush, as he told us that we were going after those who attacked us. Nobody even protested when our war of self-defense became Israel's war, since we trusted that our leaders knew what they were doing. The protests started after it became apparent that our leaders did not know what they were doing, that they were no longer looking for our attackers, and that the new mission (to attack all of Israel's neighbors) was failing. No one protested because our war against terrorism was hijacked by Israel; the protests started because we were losing.
Our fearless leaders took their eyes off of the ball in Afghanistan, creating the specter of an army of highly-trained radical Islamists escaping into nuclear-armed Pakistan, the birthplace of radical Islam. Bush and his wisest advisors failed to see the real dangers of al Qaida terrorists (a product of his father and President Reagan) gaining access to Pakistan's nuclear weapons (which they allowed), until that nightmare scenario became integral to their war-scare strategy. If they had not let al Qaida become Pakistan's problem and then used that problem to cripple Pakistani democracy, there would have been no al Qaida-related nuclear problem anywhere.
Instead, they chose to ignore reality and to create new wars under the pretext of preventing future bombs. Their scuttling of the real war on terrorism, allowed the Israeli neocon agents to divert us to fight a series of wars that can only benefit Israel. This deadly mistake single-handedly revived the Islamic extremist movement from near death and brought them within reach of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. If Islamabad falls to the Islamist army that is now knocking on its door, then the White House might have to plan more disarming nuclear strikes on another Muslim country. The decision to attack Iran over non-existent nuclear weapons is another element of Bush's formula for defeat. We are distracted by focusing on Syria and Iran, instead of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
The effect of the new phase of Israel/America's war will be to inflict shock and awe on the global economy, without ever getting us any closer to victory over Islamic extremism. The fact that our government would sit back and allow the pieces of a real nuclear terrorist incident to develop, while we take time out to fight an imaginary nuclear threat from Iran that is only dangerous to Israel, speaks volumes about the amount of power that Israel holds over our government.
We are currently backing an Israeli power play, where a "final solution" will be imposed on the entire region, beginning with the Palestinians. Parts of this assault will involve nuclear weapons. The remaining question is which air force will drop them? How did we get from hunting terrorists in mountains and caves to the nuclear destruction of Israel's unruly neighbors? Now that we have been deceived into fighting our war on terrorism for Israel's sake, will our leaders take the final genocidal step for them?
The fact that Iran has not yet been bombed into a glass parking lot should put to rest speculation about the real limitations of Cheney's power. If he had real power to launch the missiles on his own, then he would not have had to dispatch his devious neocon minions to set a multitude of triggers throughout Israel's neighborhood, any one of which could start the war against Iran, at a time of Israel's choosing, which Bush has promised to repel.
The results of the Annapolis conference are already a foregone conclusion, nothing will be resolved. The conference is a necessary step in the slow dance to the next great war. At best, the past Middle East peace talks have been used for arm-twisting the Americans into giving Israel more concessions and aide that otherwise would not have been available to it. For Israel, "peace talks" are good for its public image.
Threats to Israel, whether real or imagined, are also very good for its image. Sympathy and concern about "existential threats" are worth billions in arms transfers to Israel at shopping time, which happens after every step of the "peace process" and every time Saudi Arabia buys a bullet. Israel plays at the "peace process," in order to pick America's pockets and buy time to carry-out its colonization of Palestine. The peace process is just another key deception of the psy-war operation that is being waged against the people of the United States.
Deception is the key to Israeli foreign policy. Americans must learn the see the duplicity that is manifest is so much of the diplomacy of the Middle East, especially in Israeli diplomacy. Israeli policy is to cover-up all negative information about Israel. Since American aid is the foundation of its economy, the Israeli government is very dedicated to influencing America's popular opinion of Israel. At the same time that Israel is trying to cultivate a positive self-image to impress Americans, it has to simultaneously project an image of a brutal killing machine to the Palestinians, in order to terrorize them off of their own land. By controlling reporting from the Occupied Territories, Israel prevents video proof of its brutal ethnic cleansing from interfering with its other public relations deceptions. The constant reshaping of the news through American outlets to sanitize Israel's image is another psychological operation to manipulate American public opinion, in order to allow Israel to keep milking the great American taxpayer.
The essence of the psy-war operation to sanitize the image of Israel is to gain American sympathy while obfuscating the facts on the ground. The object is often to hide Israel's hand in starting the violence, thus allowing state acts of terrorism to be portrayed in the controlled press as self-defense. By portraying itself as a victim of terrorism, it hides its other terrorizing image, and thereby approaches "peace" negotiations as the aggrieved party, seeking reparations. This is the overall pattern of the Zionist position, superior force "feigns weakness," while setting terms that the inferior must agree to "accept." Israel makes totally unacceptable demands, intended to provoke Palestinian retaliation, which allow Israel to use its superior forces to demonstrate the futility of resisting on the one hand and to perpetuate its "reasonable" nature on the other.
"False flag" operations are secret provocations that are meant to elicit violent responses, which can easily be portrayed by a controlled media as unprovoked attacks. To uphold its humane image, the "legitimate" use of force must be seen as resistance to attack; this is the essence of the subtle behind the scenes Zionist brand of intimidation. The controlled American media are only too happy to forget Israeli provocations and pretend that every act of violence is perpetrated by the Palestinians.
The media often blames Arafat for unleashing the "second Intifada" upon Israel to upset the Camp David peace talks even though it was Ariel Sharon's descent upon the Temple Mount in 2000 that triggered the bloody events. This was his way to end the Camp David agreement and to cause enough Israeli and Palestinian deaths to justify the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Ariel Sharon's solution to his Arab problem has always been to pour fuel on the flames. One of his more notorious quotes says, "Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches."
Letter dated 29 September 2000 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General:
"Yesterday, 28 September 2000, a member of the Israeli parliament and the leader of the Likud Party, Mr. Ariel Sharon, led a group in a dangerous and provocative visit to Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Occupied East Jerusalem... leading to clashes between Palestinian civilians and Israeli security forces...,29 September 2000, and following Friday worship, Israeli security forces stormed Al-Haram Al-Sharif using rubber bullets and live ammunition against the worshippers, killing five Palestinian civilians and injuring about 200 others. An Israeli police chief admitted that snipers were also deployed and that they fired live rounds, making the death of civilians the result of wilful killing. Clashes and further Israeli repression against Palestinian civilians later spread to other places including the rest of East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah and Gaza.
The many acts of deception that have been carried-out by Israel since 9/11, to force America into supporting it (to the point of waging nuclear war on its behalf), scream-out as acts of desperation. Why else would the government of Israel be involved in so many twisted machinations to force their American benefactors into a massive war, which might cost the lives of thousands of its own citizens? The Zionists are desperate because of the failure of their own dreams. The end of Zionism is a greatly debated topic in the Israeli press.
No=883868&contrassID=2&subContrassID=4 The Zionist dream of the colonization of Palestine has never been possible without the subtle, yet massive use of force upon a largely unarmed civilian population. Why shouldn't Israel let loose a massive "shock and awe" demonstration of Israel's "Iron Wall" of irresistible force, if that might stave off the dissolution of Zionism?
But that is so opposite to the Zionists' natures, to fully expose themselves, by playing all their aces at once. Why risk ultimate exposure of their duplicitous plan, when gullible Americans can be strung along and persuaded to do the dirty deed for them? The answer to this question will determine when the attack will commence and what shape it shall ultimately take. Will we willingly open the Iranian "Pandora's box" that Israel will probably be unwilling to open for itself, or will we just let it slide?
Morty, AKA,
Jim Mortellaro
"W's" greatest mistake has been his merging of the nuclear non-proliferation issue with the war on terrorism. His choice to fight Islamic terrorism indirectly, is a formula for defeat. Going after potential sponsors of terror and their non-existent nuclear weapons, instead of simply fighting the terrorists themselves, is a losing strategy. Chasing terrorists into new strongholds and hiring mercenaries to pursue them, instead of fighting to eliminate them, is another formula for defeat. The battle against al Qaida has been forgotten, except when it was needed for publicity purposes.
The war we are now in is not the war that started on 9/11. It is an entirely different war, being fought for other reasons, another country's reasons. "Bait and switch," that may be the designation used by future historians to describe this war. America was attacked because we foolishly trusted that our leaders' first priority was to defend us. Our leaders were busy making plans for the day after we were attacked, nobody concerned themselves with preventing attacks. Why should they try to avoid deadly attacks upon Americans, when such attacks are considered to be great opportunities to enact long-dormant plans for erasing our Constitution. The neocon Project for a New American Century was just such a plan, a plan to turn America into a fascist state, waiting for the "event" (a new "Pearl Harbor") that would justify its implementation.
We trusted Bush, as he told us that we were going after those who attacked us. Nobody even protested when our war of self-defense became Israel's war, since we trusted that our leaders knew what they were doing. The protests started after it became apparent that our leaders did not know what they were doing, that they were no longer looking for our attackers, and that the new mission (to attack all of Israel's neighbors) was failing. No one protested because our war against terrorism was hijacked by Israel; the protests started because we were losing.
Our fearless leaders took their eyes off of the ball in Afghanistan, creating the specter of an army of highly-trained radical Islamists escaping into nuclear-armed Pakistan, the birthplace of radical Islam. Bush and his wisest advisors failed to see the real dangers of al Qaida terrorists (a product of his father and President Reagan) gaining access to Pakistan's nuclear weapons (which they allowed), until that nightmare scenario became integral to their war-scare strategy. If they had not let al Qaida become Pakistan's problem and then used that problem to cripple Pakistani democracy, there would have been no al Qaida-related nuclear problem anywhere.
Instead, they chose to ignore reality and to create new wars under the pretext of preventing future bombs. Their scuttling of the real war on terrorism, allowed the Israeli neocon agents to divert us to fight a series of wars that can only benefit Israel. This deadly mistake single-handedly revived the Islamic extremist movement from near death and brought them within reach of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. If Islamabad falls to the Islamist army that is now knocking on its door, then the White House might have to plan more disarming nuclear strikes on another Muslim country. The decision to attack Iran over non-existent nuclear weapons is another element of Bush's formula for defeat. We are distracted by focusing on Syria and Iran, instead of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
The effect of the new phase of Israel/America's war will be to inflict shock and awe on the global economy, without ever getting us any closer to victory over Islamic extremism. The fact that our government would sit back and allow the pieces of a real nuclear terrorist incident to develop, while we take time out to fight an imaginary nuclear threat from Iran that is only dangerous to Israel, speaks volumes about the amount of power that Israel holds over our government.
We are currently backing an Israeli power play, where a "final solution" will be imposed on the entire region, beginning with the Palestinians. Parts of this assault will involve nuclear weapons. The remaining question is which air force will drop them? How did we get from hunting terrorists in mountains and caves to the nuclear destruction of Israel's unruly neighbors? Now that we have been deceived into fighting our war on terrorism for Israel's sake, will our leaders take the final genocidal step for them?
The fact that Iran has not yet been bombed into a glass parking lot should put to rest speculation about the real limitations of Cheney's power. If he had real power to launch the missiles on his own, then he would not have had to dispatch his devious neocon minions to set a multitude of triggers throughout Israel's neighborhood, any one of which could start the war against Iran, at a time of Israel's choosing, which Bush has promised to repel.
The results of the Annapolis conference are already a foregone conclusion, nothing will be resolved. The conference is a necessary step in the slow dance to the next great war. At best, the past Middle East peace talks have been used for arm-twisting the Americans into giving Israel more concessions and aide that otherwise would not have been available to it. For Israel, "peace talks" are good for its public image.
Threats to Israel, whether real or imagined, are also very good for its image. Sympathy and concern about "existential threats" are worth billions in arms transfers to Israel at shopping time, which happens after every step of the "peace process" and every time Saudi Arabia buys a bullet. Israel plays at the "peace process," in order to pick America's pockets and buy time to carry-out its colonization of Palestine. The peace process is just another key deception of the psy-war operation that is being waged against the people of the United States.
Deception is the key to Israeli foreign policy. Americans must learn the see the duplicity that is manifest is so much of the diplomacy of the Middle East, especially in Israeli diplomacy. Israeli policy is to cover-up all negative information about Israel. Since American aid is the foundation of its economy, the Israeli government is very dedicated to influencing America's popular opinion of Israel. At the same time that Israel is trying to cultivate a positive self-image to impress Americans, it has to simultaneously project an image of a brutal killing machine to the Palestinians, in order to terrorize them off of their own land. By controlling reporting from the Occupied Territories, Israel prevents video proof of its brutal ethnic cleansing from interfering with its other public relations deceptions. The constant reshaping of the news through American outlets to sanitize Israel's image is another psychological operation to manipulate American public opinion, in order to allow Israel to keep milking the great American taxpayer.
The essence of the psy-war operation to sanitize the image of Israel is to gain American sympathy while obfuscating the facts on the ground. The object is often to hide Israel's hand in starting the violence, thus allowing state acts of terrorism to be portrayed in the controlled press as self-defense. By portraying itself as a victim of terrorism, it hides its other terrorizing image, and thereby approaches "peace" negotiations as the aggrieved party, seeking reparations. This is the overall pattern of the Zionist position, superior force "feigns weakness," while setting terms that the inferior must agree to "accept." Israel makes totally unacceptable demands, intended to provoke Palestinian retaliation, which allow Israel to use its superior forces to demonstrate the futility of resisting on the one hand and to perpetuate its "reasonable" nature on the other.
"False flag" operations are secret provocations that are meant to elicit violent responses, which can easily be portrayed by a controlled media as unprovoked attacks. To uphold its humane image, the "legitimate" use of force must be seen as resistance to attack; this is the essence of the subtle behind the scenes Zionist brand of intimidation. The controlled American media are only too happy to forget Israeli provocations and pretend that every act of violence is perpetrated by the Palestinians.
The media often blames Arafat for unleashing the "second Intifada" upon Israel to upset the Camp David peace talks even though it was Ariel Sharon's descent upon the Temple Mount in 2000 that triggered the bloody events. This was his way to end the Camp David agreement and to cause enough Israeli and Palestinian deaths to justify the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Ariel Sharon's solution to his Arab problem has always been to pour fuel on the flames. One of his more notorious quotes says, "Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches."
Letter dated 29 September 2000 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General:
"Yesterday, 28 September 2000, a member of the Israeli parliament and the leader of the Likud Party, Mr. Ariel Sharon, led a group in a dangerous and provocative visit to Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Occupied East Jerusalem... leading to clashes between Palestinian civilians and Israeli security forces...,29 September 2000, and following Friday worship, Israeli security forces stormed Al-Haram Al-Sharif using rubber bullets and live ammunition against the worshippers, killing five Palestinian civilians and injuring about 200 others. An Israeli police chief admitted that snipers were also deployed and that they fired live rounds, making the death of civilians the result of wilful killing. Clashes and further Israeli repression against Palestinian civilians later spread to other places including the rest of East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah and Gaza.
The many acts of deception that have been carried-out by Israel since 9/11, to force America into supporting it (to the point of waging nuclear war on its behalf), scream-out as acts of desperation. Why else would the government of Israel be involved in so many twisted machinations to force their American benefactors into a massive war, which might cost the lives of thousands of its own citizens? The Zionists are desperate because of the failure of their own dreams. The end of Zionism is a greatly debated topic in the Israeli press.
No=883868&contrassID=2&subContrassID=4 The Zionist dream of the colonization of Palestine has never been possible without the subtle, yet massive use of force upon a largely unarmed civilian population. Why shouldn't Israel let loose a massive "shock and awe" demonstration of Israel's "Iron Wall" of irresistible force, if that might stave off the dissolution of Zionism?
But that is so opposite to the Zionists' natures, to fully expose themselves, by playing all their aces at once. Why risk ultimate exposure of their duplicitous plan, when gullible Americans can be strung along and persuaded to do the dirty deed for them? The answer to this question will determine when the attack will commence and what shape it shall ultimately take. Will we willingly open the Iranian "Pandora's box" that Israel will probably be unwilling to open for itself, or will we just let it slide?
Morty, AKA,
Jim Mortellaro
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Post Title: Fighting Israel's War
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