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Wednesday 1 August 2007

Controversial New Footage of Beslan Massacre Reopens Debate

A video that remained secret for nearly three years after the horrific Beslan hostage crisis has cast new doubt on official conclusions about what led to the deaths of 334 people, more than half of them children, during one of Russia's worst terrorist attacks.

Controversial New Footage of Beslan Massacre Reopens Debate

The footage is far from definitive, but appears to lend credence to the theory that security forces bear at least some of the blame for the high death toll.

A central question about the carnage is what caused the initial explosions that were followed by a chaotic gunbattle, fire and the collapse of the roof of School No. 1's gymnasium, where more than 1,100 hostages had been held by militants demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya.