In 1990, Rockefeller told A. Russo about 9/11, the War on Terror Hoax, women's lib, and the elite's ultimate plan for world population reduction and a microchipped society
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Watch in awe as Texe presents a Jewish rabbi's article proposing making Jerusalem the capital of a One World Government
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Hot Zone Alert!
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What Conspiracy?
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Stand up to NeoCohns Global Terror andThreat
Neal Gabler, Author of An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews invented Hollywood"
"What is amazing is the extent to which they succeeded in promulgating this fiction throughout the world. the Hollywood Jews created a powerful cluster of images and ideas-so powerful that, in a sense, they colonized the American imagination. . . . Ultimately, American values came to be defined largely by the movies the Jews made"
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
A heinous crime against humanity committed by the occupying power.
For the past 24 hours, Baghdad has had virtually no running water.
Major parts of the city of six million people have lacked running water for six days, while daily high temperatures have ranged from 115 to 120 degrees. The tiny amount of water dripping through the pipes is causing many of those who must drink it to suffer acute intestinal illness.
According to reports, not enough electricity is available to run Baghdad's water pumps. This in a country with vast energy resources.
Corporate media outlets-to the extent they have reported this horrific and mind-boggling story at all-have treated it as a failure on the part of Iraqis.
In reality, it is an appalling war crime committed by the occupying power, the U.S. military. It threatens the lives of tens of thousands of people in the short term and unthinkable numbers of people unless it is rectified immediately. More...