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Friday 9 March 2007

One Of Hannity's "Great Americans" is A Former Gay Porn Star And Male Prostitute

Zionist FOX 'News' would have discovered this rabid DOG Hannity , the hateful humanoid Colmes to do the dirty work of the NWO.

Corporal Sanchez was known during his days as Rod Majors, a gay porn star turned baby killer. According to Tom Bacchus, Sanchez was a $200-an-hour male prostitute who advertised himself as an "excellent top." You can read more and follow Blumenthal's links at HuffPo.

During Sanchez' Hannity & Colmes appearance, Hannity, it now turns out, could have been speaking about himself when he accused liberals of being "so driven by their agenda... they almost get blinded." But I wonder how many liberals would have declared, just on the basis of having a confrontation with someone that they disagreed with, "Matt, you're a great American."You can watch the YouTube video of Sanchez' appearance on Hannity & Colmes here.